Friday, February 25, 2011

M happy being a married woman..

Now that I am married, and trying to becum a mature person,
Thus I realize how lucky I am to be a woman,
Nobody  push es me around,
Nobody  set rules, to which i should remain bound,
I can take on the world and win all by myselves,
But  I need support from closeones , keeping approval of everybody else,
 I have fit perfectly into any roll,
N Now I know,I  can make four walls into a home,
I take care of whole family with delight,
When I am a homemaker the house looks bright,
When I ll be a professional I promise to bring energy to the place,
I feel, The whole world revolves around me keeping me  the base,
There is nothing on earth I can’t do,
I now trust I can raise kids and run a company too,
He also makes me feel special sumtimes &
not always want me to be a work station,
And I also make him feel like the emperor of the nation,
So with all the goals, dreams and determination,
I can say that a woman is god’s best creation.
When we are child,we are a princess to our father,
N Now  being QUEEN to my Husband,nobody else bother(s)..

Do U Really Have so much of brains...If Yup, den Plssss Stop using it a lil lessss...

if you’ve not heard from someone in a while, do you tend to think up reasons as to why they’ve not called or contacted you?  Do you wonder if they don’t like you anymore, or did they just lose your phone number?  Could it be the guy you dated the other night has decided that he no longer wants to see you?
One thing to learn is that the stories we tell ourselves can be harmful to our self esteem, because we tend to think up stories that make us feel bad about ourselves, and come to think of it, I think it’s true!
One way of counteracting this when you find you’re telling yourself another story, stop and realise that people have their own reasons why they do certain things or act certain ways.  Worrying about it and making up stories is really a complete waste of time.
Don’t you have better, more productive things to do with your time?  Who cares what people think of you?  You’re a wonderful person and if they don’t like you then there’s nothing you can do about it.  If they do like you (and you like them!), then great!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why would you want to be someone else
When you could be better by being yourself
Why pretend to be someone you are not
When you have something they haven't got

Cheating yourself of the life you have to live
Deprives others of that only which you can give
You have much more to offer by being just you
Than walking around in someone else's shoes

Trying to live the life of another is a mistake
It is a masquerade; nothing more than a fake
Be yourself and let your qualities show through
Others will love you more for being just you

Remember that God loves you just as you are
To Him you are already a bright shining star
Family and friends will love you more too
If you spent time practicing just being you
Be yourself, don't change for anyone. If they don't like you at your worst, then they don't deserve you at your best.

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address