Saturday, October 13, 2012

What does really matter to me??

I've not been writing my thoughts for so long, and actually have made myself so busy in the life's circle that when I get back to my home, I just wanna close my eyes and relax. {But, who the hell can do that, after you are more than 20}.

But actually, why am I writing today? I really do not know, but when I got up in the morning today {I always get up with a Smile, but not when I have to get up at 7am!!} I get up with a phone call (after my marriage, these phone calls only annoy me, though, this does not apply to my close friends). Since my childhood, I am just confused with a simple question, that Is this actually my life, or there are people who are ruling my life?? People call me up and suggest so so many things either it is related to my personal life or my professional, I just wanna ask them, why are you worried people, it is my life and let me live it my way. 

But, when I give everything a second thought, they are people who care for me. So, what really annoys me, the people or the truth that they say. I am really confused, I do not know what do I want and I think that this is a common confusion for all. 

You love chocolates, but some avoid it coz they have tummy which they wish can disappear.
You wanna go out with all your friends, but this stupid boss is calling you to work on Saturdays as well.
You wanna leave you current job, but these family circumstances do not let you do so.
People have family and children and they do not value them, as they are confused, whether to live for themselves or their child
Some crave to have a family, get married and those who are married are craving for children,
and the list goes onnnn.. 

I thrive for a break in the weekdays but when its actually my time to relax on weekends, I have so much piled on. I feel to give 100% to my work but in a moment I think that my family is my first priority. I am happily married, but I often have a thought, that was it a right decision to get married at the age of 21. I am getting pretty successful in my business but the thought of working like a dog piss me off. I love my family (family before my marriage), but I really do not miss my mom a lot. 

Every night I sleep with these deep confusions and ask my self, Am I really happy and if not, then what is the thing that is actually disturbing me? Finally I don't have an answer, but then I turn back and I find my husband lying besides me, I hold his hands (even if he is sleeping), and look at him and my heart and mind finally take a deep breath and I say as he does,"if there is a problem, there will be solution to it" "If you do not have anyone for you, I will be always there for you" "If you are tired of working, just come and relax in my arms" "If you do not wanna go to office, you have to, coz I don't want a stupid wife, I want you to be intelligent"
and finally all his words roam around in my mind, relaxes my heart and close' my eyes. {I really have to do a lot of fight with my heart and brain before I am actually asleep}. 

But yes, the question remains the same "What really matters to me?" and before I go to bet, I finally have the answer, no matter whatever comes in my way, no matter whatever happens, You (my husband "Shona") you are the only one and the only thing that matters to me. 

Mr & Mrs. Saurabh Jain

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Trust Us, So that We can Love you forever !!

This is a story of a couple from Phillipins, There was a girl named Julie who used to fear falling in love because she has seen her mother's suffering, this girl has lost her father when she was 13 and her mother was left all alone with his memories & Stolen Moments !! Her father used to smoke a lot and because of smoking he suffered from cancer and died !
It's true no one knows destiny, this girl Julie who used to fear love and hate smokers has fallen in love with one of his class mate named McCoy who was a chain smoker. she used to tell his father's story to him every-time they met expecting him to quit Smoking. she realized that he has started avoiding her as his friends used to tease him whenever he used to smoke with them. Julie wanted to see him happy so she stopped objecting him :'( and just after 3 months of her relationship she realized that he is suffering from a lung disease called emphysema caused due to smoking.

McCoy has fallen seriously ill and his treatment started, it continued for 2 years many times his health became so worst that doctors also thought he will die !! But it was Julie's love who kept him alive and recover, all these 2 years she spent all her time with him in the hospital (Check The Picture).. she stopped going to college.. fought with her mother & relative.. invested all her pocket money.. and thus she defined love ..

The Boy Recovered And Has Quit Smoking !! He Has married Julie And now they both are living happily together !! He always feels guilty for not listening to his Love Julie earlier, he now gives one message to everyone "Do 100 things that friends asks you to do, but please don't do at-least that one thing that your love don't want you to do .."

"Friends, i will not say Smoking is dangerous for health because that is already written on the box of smoke but i will like to tell you.. that you started smoking for yourself now quit it for someone who loves you !!

next time when your Love or your parents ask you not to smoke recall this True Love Story and answer yourself that do you want them to suffer for a mistake that you are doing today"

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A New Start...

Hey guys,
I have started a new important phase in my life. I've always thought that what exactly is my moto. I want to achieve this and that and many other things. But thinking about the future also where do exactly I wanna c maself 4-5 years down the line. So one day a thought came in my mind, i have to do what i enjoy to do, why not make my hobby as my profession. I love writing and by writing i mean everything i feel and i like, I use to write it, so i started to choose it as ma career. So I have now started writing and hope to touch the heights in that.
So all my dear friends just check out my first assignment and I would appreciate your encouragement as it is just a start to what I have begun.

Link: Daily exercise plan for teens

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


WE ARE BUSY, each of us,people in big cities live a hectic life. While they are busy at work on weekdays, they are also occupied on the weekends or on their holidays spending money to have fun.
In today’s busy world life gets so hectic that I’ve to remind myself why have I joined a company and profession of my choice when m always tired, why did i choose to buy all the furniture for my house if i have no tym to use them, most importantly why have i married to the love of my life if i have not even a single moment to show my love to him...why why why..?????
But then i realize m not the only 1 to feel this, this WHY is in everybody's life...but at least i have my family to take care of me, my husband to love me who understands me and my love even if we have just slept in each other's arms without saying a single word from past so many days coz we are sooooooooooooo tired to say anything..
and Finally I understood we are now just the puppets of the Demon called LIFE...
But at least by sharing all this I may feel a little relaxed
I'm  just a lil hearted girl 
In a cold hearted city life.  
Always in a hurry 
Going here to there 
Dashing in a fury 
Life is just not fair 
Life was once beautiful, in the sun and rain
Now it is ruled, by either loss or gain
Rolling out of bed, before the sun rises,
still wrapped in the blanket of tiredness
from yesterday.
Too many things to do 
Not enough hours in the day 
How shall I make it through? 
Why does it have to be this way? 
Life is like a freight train 
Going nonstop and ever so fast 
Feeling the pressure and strain 
How long will all this last? 
Happiness spent.
Stress bought.
Comfort spent.
Heartache bought.
Sun up and sun down.
Is it really worth the cost
to give up your spirituality
for what..?
No tym for friends,
No tym for family,
No tym for even myself, 
who is bursting out here daily
Help me in Finding another way
To squeeze in a little more daylight
Into my very hectic and busy day 
It would help me not to be so uptight 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

ithout question, one of the most evil and heinous sins being committed by many in our country and elsewhere around the world has to be the sin of ABORTION– the murder and wholesale slaughter of innocent young babies not yet born through their mother’s womb.
In most cases an abortion is an egotistic choice, a result of the desire to stay away from the burden of taking care of someone else and to go on with one’s worldly enjoyments.
Just close your eyes & think that a girl is able to give life to another life... And if everybody start thinking like that then even this thought can ruin everything..
Just think if your baby can talk to you after its death...

Dear Mommy,
I am in Heaven now... I so wanted to be your little girl. I don't quite
understand what has happened. I was so excited when I began
realizing my existance. I was in a dark, yet comfortable place. I saw I
had fingers and toes. I was pretty far along in my developing, yet not
near ready to leave my surroundings. I spent most of my time thinking
or sleeping. Even from my earliest days, I felt a special bonding
between you and me.

Sometimes I heard you crying and I cried with you. Sometimes you
would yell or scream, then cry. I heard Daddy yelling back. I was sad,
and hoped you would be better soon. I wondered why you cried so
much. One day you cried almost all of the day. I hurt for you. I

couldn't imagine why you were so unhappy.
That same day, the most horrible thing happened. A very mean
monster came into that warm, comfortable place I was in. I was so
scared, I began screaming, but you never once tried to help me.
Maybe you never heard me. The monster got closer and closer as I was
screaming and screaming, "Mommy, Mommy, help me please; Mommy,
help me." Complete terror is all I felt. I screamed and screamed until I
thought I couldn't anymore. Then the monster started ripping my arms
off. It hurt so bad; the pain I can never explain. It didn't stop.

Oh, how I begged it to stop. I screamed in horror as it ripped my leg
Though I was in such complete pain, I was dying. I knew I would never
see your face or hear you say how much you love me. I wanted to
make all your tears go away. I had so many plans to make you happy.
Now I couldn't; all my dreams were shattered. Though I was in utter
pain and horror, I felt the pain of my heart breaking, above all. I
wanted more than anything to be your daughter. No use now, for I was
dying a painful death. I could only imagine the terrible things that
they had done to you. I wanted to tell you that I love you before I was
gone, but I didn't know the words you could understand.

And soon, I no longer had the breath to say them; I was dead. I felt
myself rising. I was being carried by a huge angel into a big beautiful
place. I was still crying, but the physical pain was gone. The angel
took me away to a wonderful place... Then I was happy. I asked the
angel what was the thing was that killed me. He answered, "Abortion".
I am sorry, for I know how it feels." I don't know what abortion is; I
guess that's the name of the monster. I'm writing to say that I love you
and to tell you how much I wanted to be your little girl. I tried very
hard to live. I wanted to live. I had the will, but I couldn't; the
monster was too powerful. It sucked my arms and legs off and finally
got all of me. It was impossible to live. I just wanted you to know I
tried to stay with you. I didn't want to die. Also, Mommy, please watch
out for that abortion monster. Mommy, I love you and I would hate for
you to go through the kind of pain I did. Please be careful.

I loved to be with you, may it be for a small time...

If you have hearts then try your level best to stop this sin from happening. Don't think what can you do alone as THE LINE HAS TO START BY SOMEONE SOMEWHERE.

Monday, May 16, 2011

New sensational Song For YOUNGISTAAN...

Delhi Belly - the meanest comedy you're ever likely to see.
Aamir Khan, the film’s producer, had feared that Delhi Belly will destroy all the goodwill he has created in the industry.

“Aamir Khan Productions is known for its inspiring, clean, family entertainment. All that is about to change! 'Delhi Belly' has the potential of destroying, in a single stroke, all the goodwill we have built in the last 10 years,”

Tashi, Arun and Nitin – flat-mates, buddies and partners in crime! Tashi is to get married in a month but still doesn't know if his fiancé is THE ONE! Arun can't make up his mind who he wants to kill first - his girlfriend who has just dumped him or his stupid, annoying boss whose idea of creativity is sketching a smiling banana! And Nitin is about to discover that eating delicious tandoori chicken off a street vendor is going to give him the worst case of Delhi Belly he's ever known! Three regular blokes, living the regular life EXCEPT for one small detail - they are on the hit list of one of the world's deadliest crime syndicates. Will they be able to get away before the shit hits the roof and it comes crashing down?

'Delhi Belly' track 'D K Bose' smartly plays with words to get away with a commonly used expletive

When you hear this track of Delhi Belly titled D K Bose, you'll go what the...!

The film's first theatrical promo showcases the song that will become an instant hit with the youth.
The lyrics are written by Amitabh Bhattacharya and sung by Ram Sampath. A source reveals that Aamir was totally shocked on hearing the song during the recording.

"His first reaction was of disbelief, but then he realised the words were referring to a character called D K Bose. It was smartly conceptualised."

Here's what you will end up hearing in the song...PLAY IT DOWN...(Here's the video)