Wednesday, June 8, 2011


WE ARE BUSY, each of us,people in big cities live a hectic life. While they are busy at work on weekdays, they are also occupied on the weekends or on their holidays spending money to have fun.
In today’s busy world life gets so hectic that I’ve to remind myself why have I joined a company and profession of my choice when m always tired, why did i choose to buy all the furniture for my house if i have no tym to use them, most importantly why have i married to the love of my life if i have not even a single moment to show my love to him...why why why..?????
But then i realize m not the only 1 to feel this, this WHY is in everybody's life...but at least i have my family to take care of me, my husband to love me who understands me and my love even if we have just slept in each other's arms without saying a single word from past so many days coz we are sooooooooooooo tired to say anything..
and Finally I understood we are now just the puppets of the Demon called LIFE...
But at least by sharing all this I may feel a little relaxed
I'm  just a lil hearted girl 
In a cold hearted city life.  
Always in a hurry 
Going here to there 
Dashing in a fury 
Life is just not fair 
Life was once beautiful, in the sun and rain
Now it is ruled, by either loss or gain
Rolling out of bed, before the sun rises,
still wrapped in the blanket of tiredness
from yesterday.
Too many things to do 
Not enough hours in the day 
How shall I make it through? 
Why does it have to be this way? 
Life is like a freight train 
Going nonstop and ever so fast 
Feeling the pressure and strain 
How long will all this last? 
Happiness spent.
Stress bought.
Comfort spent.
Heartache bought.
Sun up and sun down.
Is it really worth the cost
to give up your spirituality
for what..?
No tym for friends,
No tym for family,
No tym for even myself, 
who is bursting out here daily
Help me in Finding another way
To squeeze in a little more daylight
Into my very hectic and busy day 
It would help me not to be so uptight 

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